Year 3 Road Safety Training

Year 3 took part in a pedestrian training workshop run by the Hillingdon STARS Team (School Travel and Road Safety Education Team). The workshop gave children practical training in how to cross the road safely and aimed to encourage and promote safe and active travel. It was very beneficial and the children learnt a lot! 

“The training was very educational and the trainers were knowledgeable. They helped us cross the road and showed us the correct way to cross when we did something wrong” 
Israa (Farah Class)  

"It was so fun learning about how to cross the road properly. It was easy to learn the green code." 
Kaleb (Kenny Class) 

"I liked it because it taught us about road safety. My favourite part was when we crossed the road with our partners. I recommend everyone to do this pedestrian training." 
Arush (Kenny Class)  

“We were taught a catchy rhyme that goes like this: ‘Stop, look, listen, think before you cross the street, use your eyes, use your ears before you use your feet,’ which was fun to sing.” 
Jeevna (Daley Class)